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08 Oct 2019
1 min
Union Leaders from Asia Gathered Together for the Asian Seafarers’ Summit Working Group Meeting 2019

17 labour unions representing seamen in 12 Asian countries and territories and focused on issues related to seafarers in the Asian region such as automation, woman seafarers, mental health including the maintenance of urgent communication channels in cases of maritime accidents or ships and seamen abandoned at sea.

SMOU Assistant General Secretary Gwee Guo Duan shared Singapore’s Industry Transformation Map model where the Union, Companies and Government work together to look into jobs of the future, and setting up education and training initiatives to ensure that the right programme is available to advance the skill sets of seafarers. He also shared how the union is actively engaging shipping companies to ensure that women seafarers’ rights and welfare are protected.

On the subject of ships abandonment, SMOU assisted the crew of three abandoned vessels to recover wages and return home. The issue of ships abandonment will be further discussed in depth at the next ASSM.

With the conclusion of the pre-meeting, the working group is on the right track and looking forward to the ASSM to discuss the issues raised, among Asian seafarer unions.