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16 Mar 2022
1 min
Shipboard Team Synergy is Key to Safety at Sea

Motivating shipboard crew who have been onboard for long deployments and keeping team synergy at high performance levels has been a constant challenge most seafaring officers experience.

Beyond that, implementing effective team synergy onboard ship amongst Officers and Crew remains essential in optimising operational efficiency and safety.

Some 17 Ship Officers and Cadets enrolled into Wavelink Maritime Institute’s (WMI) inaugural programme titled ‘Building and Sustaining Shipboard Team Synergy’ on 8 March 2022.

Developed by WMI for the maritime industry, the session was led by WMI lecturer Mr Muhammad Hisham Bin Amir who imparted lessons on fundamental skills necessary to understand team dynamics and at the same time, build and sustain an effective shipboard team. The programme taught participants on keeping standards whilst achieving targets leading to maintaining uninterrupted operability of their vessels.

Participants were also offered an insight into techniques to communicate and motivate everyone onboard for higher shipboard productivity. 

Participants were also offered an insight into techniques to communicate and motivate everyone onboard for higher shipboard productivity.