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26 Oct 2021
2 mins
Great Leaders Drive Performance

Leadership is one of the most sought-after qualities in almost any organisation, because great leaders have the ability to identify the spark in others and hold the keys to igniting that passion and inspire them to do their best.

Some 18 participants who were predominantly Captains and Chief Engineers, participated in a programme titled ‘Leading In The Maritime World’, organised by Wavelink Maritime Institute (WMI) on 6 October 2021 for the maritime industry.

Led by Ms Preeti Dubey, participants began to appreciate that Leadership is an effective blend of strategy and behavioural science. Whilst not everyone is a born leader, others can be trained to become one through learning both socio-emotional skills and the right management practices to be effective and efficient leaders.

Participants of the programme were also given the opportunity to participate in a series of group discussions to not only share about their prior experiences in leadership and management positions, but also practice techniques on effective listening and communication to help effectively perform their communication related duties through both electronic means and face-to-face communication.

Techniques on self-discovery and knowing their personal leadership styles, motivating others, and managing for performances were also covered during the programme.

The participants attending the session were representing the SMOU CBA Companies of Laurel Shipmanagement, PACC Ship Managers, Pacific International Lines and POSH Fleet Services.