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17 Dec 2019
1 min
Hong Kong Unions Exchange in Singapore

It was all about fostering deeper connections between the unions in Hong Kong and Singapore. A 23-member Hong Kong delegation, consisting of Executive Committee members from Merchant Navy Officers’ Guild, Hong Kong (MNOG-HK) led by Capt Chung Tung Tong, General Secretary MNOG-HK, members from the Amalgamated Union of Seafarers, Hong Kong (AUSHK), staff from MNOG-HK and Hong Kong ITF FOC Office were in Singapore from 26-28 September to forge stronger ties and especially to introduce MNOG-HK’s new Executive Committee members.During their visit, the unions learned from each other as they exchanged views on union work in their respective countries and what initiatives have worked. The unions affirmed solidarity for the betterment of seafarers.

MNOG-HK presenting a token of appreciation to SMOU.