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13 Aug 2024
3 mins
How to Handle Conflict Through Effective Communication

Modern shipping involves cross-border global operations and many seafarers can attest that having worked and lived together onboard for many months, crew members may find themselves conflicting over how to approach their work or life. It requires great amount of effort to foster a harmonious and safe work environment during a seafarer’s stint onboard.

That is why it is essential to equip seafarers with the skills and knowledge to manage conflict effectively onboard. The Shipboard Conflict Management workshop was held on 11 July 2024, at the Wavelink Maritime Institute (WMI). Organised by Young SMOU (YSMOU), the workshop imparted the youth members with basic conflict resolution skills.

The session was facilitated by WMI’s Managing Director and former Chief Engineer, Mr Teo Keong Kok. Through the sharing of his personal stories, Mr Teo helped the trainees to understand the various situations that seafarers may encounter and how to address conflicts.

The workshop taught the youths how to identify the types of conflict, recognise the common causes and how to prevent conflicts onboard ships. Participants also learnt that documenting everything is crucial and were reminded not to take things personally.

Members then learnt to identify their personal conflict style. They were introduced to the Skill-Will model, which considers both the skill and will of the person performing the task. For example, a person with low skill and high will could be best managed with guidance, whereas a person with low skill and low will may benefit more from direction.

In the aspect of conflict resolution, participants were taught how to identify the issue; understand perspective; find common ground and agree on a solution.

They were also able to develop some skills in handling conflict and learnt the importance of clear and effective communication onboard.

To bring the lesson to reality, attendees participated in a role-playing group activity on common conflict scenarios and were tested on how they would respond. This situational-based group activity helped the participants to understand how conflict arises and gave the seafarers the opportunity to practise the ‘Skill-Will’ model.

Empowering seafarers with the knowledge and skills to respond to workplace conflict is key to promoting a safe maritime environment.