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06 Aug 2021
2 mins
Living Meaningfully with Financial Planning

On 22 July 2021, SMOU invited speaker Mr Albert Tan, a Certified Planner at the NTUC Social Enterprise MoneyOwl, to conduct an online Financial Wellness Talk for SMOU members. Close to 50 members attended the online talk to learn how to have sufficient and reliable means to live meaningfully both now and into the future.

Albert Tan Presentation

Mr Albert brought participants through the basics of financial wellness through concepts of comprehensive planning, having knowledge of one’s insurance plans and needs, and understanding the accumulating needs in relation to life goals. The session helped members to see finances with a bird’s eye view, and how to make their savings work for them in their golden years. Speaking to participants ranging from people in their 20s to retirees, Mr Albert said that it is not too early or too late to start planning financially.

He shared on the comprehensive financial planning service offered by MoneyOwl so that members can consult an advisor based on their personal financial situation. An exclusive rate was also extended to SMOU members to utilise the service so that members can be more financially savvy and live meaningfully into their retirement years.

Sanjiv Mishra

“I would like to appreciate the efforts made by SMOU to organise events at regular intervals. The financial talk from MoneyOwl was a great idea, as I managed to learn some new ways to improve my financial well-being. It was definitely time well spent!”

Sanjiv Mishra, SMOU member of 8 years 

”Thanks to SMOU for organising this talk especially amidst the COVID-19 pandemic when the importance of having a well financial plan is even more important. I enjoyed the part on retirement and CPF, and I learned that it is wise to have a comprehensive retirement plan.”

Lin Guo Ping, SMOU member of 9 years

Lin Guo Ping

You can reach out to MoneyOwl for more information on their services