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03 Jan 2022
3 mins
SMOU Bake for a Good Cause – Cookies for NTUC Health Henderson Home Senior Residents

As one of SMOU’s adopted homes, SMOU partnered with NTUC Heath Henderson Home to spread festive cheer to the senior residents this holiday season.

On 6th December, a group of SMOU volunteers made their way down to a baking studio. With the guidance of a trained chef, volunteers commenced their mission to fill up all the cookie containers with chocolate chip cookies for the seniors to enjoy this festive season.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, volunteers were grouped into twos for each baking station. The volunteers could be seen chatting happily and lending each other a helping hand when either partner faced a problem with any baking steps. Most of these volunteers were not new to volunteering with SMOU but were, however, new to baking. They expressed that while it was an eye-opening activity for them, personally, they felt more fulfilled knowing that these cookies were going to be for the seniors.

Wai Kit, an SMOU volunteer said “I find this to be very fun and meaningful as this is my first time baking and I know that there is a deeper meaning to this baking session – which is to bring joy to the seniors at Henderson Home. Due to the pandemic, it is very difficult to see the seniors face to face so when they receive these cookies, they would know that someone is thinking of them still”.

At the end of the session, the volunteers walked away with not just a sense of fulfillment knowing that they are bringing joy to the seniors at Henderson home, they also expressed happiness at picking up a lot of baking tips and skills.

“I find this event to be more fun than I thought it would be because I learned a lot of new things and after a while, after I got into the groove of baking and learning so many new tips, it makes me feel like I can do it at home as well,” said Mr. Muhammad Fareez.

Moving forward, many participants also expressed their hopes for such an event to be extended to even the seniors as they believe that these seniors will thoroughly enjoy themselves as much as they all personally did.

“I hope that sooner or later, more people – both volunteers and the seniors – can actually join in these types of cooking or baking classes organised by SMOU as I feel that they would enjoy it as much as I do. Everyone should experience this!” added Fareez.