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22 Jun 2022
1 min
SMOU Members Jumping on the TikTok Bandwagon!

With the rise of social media platforms, SMOU organised a TikTok workshop for members to learn more about the entertainment platform. TikTok hosts a variety of short-form user videos, consisting of genres like stunts, tricks, jokes, dance and more – with durations from 15 seconds to a minutes’ worth of content.

On 21 May 2022, a group of SMOU members attended the workshop at D’Resort’s Begonia Pavillion. The workshop introduced to members what TikTok is about, and the trainer taught members how to go about installing the application and setting up an account.  

Members were keen to learn and practised what was being taught during the session. They even created their very own TikTok video! Learning does not have to be serious, and this was seen at the TikTok workshop, where lifelong learning can be enriching, but also fun!