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14 Feb 2020
2 mins
TNTA & TETA Family Engagement

As they always say, a seafaring career is always a family decision and families make an integral contribution towards facilitating the success of their loved ones in pursuit of their seafaring aspirations.

On 18 January, some 40 Cadets and family members attended a family engagement session organised by Wavelink Maritime Institute (WMI) for candidates who wish to pursue seafaring careers under the Tripartite Nautical Training Award (TNTA) and Tripartite Engineering Training Award (TETA) programme.

The session was an opportunity for family members to understand the nature of the seafaring job, the career opportunities available across the maritime industry and the support made available to their loved ones who would be undertaking their TNTA & TETA study at WMI.

Industry guest speaker Capt B. Jayakumar, Marine Manager from Shell International Eastern Trading Company, shared his personal experiences to the family members about his seafaring career journey and why he never regretted his career decision. He also shared how the families can continue to encourage their loved ones who have chosen seafaring as a career path and the best way to support them as cadets and as future Officers.

WMI Advisor Mr Lim Tau Kok shared about his personal journey from choosing a career at sea and rising to the top decision-making positions in shipping companies. He also shared that there are many opportunities available across the entire maritime eco-system for Singaporeans with seafaring experiences.

Speaking about support in the pursuit of maritime careers, SMOU Secretary Mr Terence Tan shared about how the union will walk this career journey from when they are Cadets and as they progress as Officers.

Family members also toured the ship simulation facilities and the learning environment at WMI.