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13 Oct 2020
1 min
WMI Online Maritime Training – Behavioural Based Safety Training

Safety is a word often emphasised in the maritime industry, but is it internalised enough?

For the past two months, Wavelink Maritime Institute (WMI) had worked closely with Mr KHK Rangan, an industry veteran, to deliver Behavioural-Based Safety Training, emphasising the importance of keeping safety culture sustainable.

Attended by more than 35 participants, the session covered aspects relating to maritime safety culture including topics such as organisational leadership ashore and at sea, and reinforcing culture through positive behaviours.

WMI online maritime training programme is one of the series of programmes subsidised by Singapore Maritime Training Fund as part of the initiative to upskill the maritime professionals who are working with the partners of the SMOU.

Click  here  to take your learning further with these upcoming online maritime courses offered by WMI.