All the discomfort and sweat were overshadowed by a greater joy that awaited. A sum totalling US$220,000 in unpaid wages was secured for the crew.
“The outcome of getting back the seafarers’ unpaid wages is very rewarding and satisfying,” Kelvin remarked.
Bringing Comfort to Grief-Stricken Crew
Recalling a case that broke his heart, Kelvin remembered the despondency of the six crew members who survived a vessel collision which claimed the lives of six of their other crew mates.
While the crew onboard the head-on vessel was left almost unscathed, half of the team onboard the crossing vessel lost their lives when the two vessels collided at the Batam Straits in 2018. The shipping company had turned to SMOU to help the seafarers who were rescued.
“We hosted the rescued seafarers at the Lighthouse Bistro and offered comfort and care. It was heart breaking to hear them talk about the crew fatalities. Though they were grateful that they survived the accident, they were grief-stricken that six of their fellow seafarers had lost their lives,” Kelvin said.
Don’t Jump Overboard!
Another memorable case involved an agitated junior engineer who threatened to jump overboard. He and his crew members were owed wages and the ship had been arrested.
“Perhaps he wasn’t familiar with the idea of a ship arrest. The pressure of being owed wages and the fear of the unknown got the better of him,” Kelvin recalled.
Kelvin quickly calmed him down and firmly spelled out the consequences if he were to jump.
“I told him that he could be charged for destroying property and be jailed. He could also end up in the hospital. I also reminded him that he still had the company of his fellow seafarers and that SMOU was there for him.”
Kelvin’s cool headedness won the junior engineer over.
“It was a close shave,” he heaved a sigh of relief.
Such is the dynamic work life Kelvin leads as SMOU Senior IRO.
Till today, Kelvin continues to support the welfare of seafarers by organising a series of ship visits to show appreciation to seafarers working on board ships.