Singapore being one of the busiest ports and having the top 5 largest ship registries in the world has not been sitting idly by while the situation unravelled. Gwee Guo Duan, Assistant General Secretary of SMOU told SeaVoices about the ‘Singapore Crew Change Workgroup (SGCCWG)’ that has been working on a viable solution since April 2020 for the crew change process to be implemented at our ports. Gwee sits at the workgroup as a representative of SMOU, providing union perspective for decision making.
Made up of maritime tripartite partners – Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), Singapore Shipping Association (SSA) and SMOU– the workgroup first met on 21 April to address challenges and come up with a watertight framework to facilitate crew change in a safe manner. The International Maritime Employers Council (IMEC) also joined the workgroup on 19 May 2020 to contribute to the objective. Due to the international scale of crew change challenges and many nations still struggling with the pandemic at hand, the SGCCWG focused on working on developing medium term solutions for this matter.